

«Air-Cleans» is produced of 2 types powders, different for purpose:

«Air-Cleans-PROPH» – for prophylactic treatment;

«Air-Cleans-PREP»– for preparation of cavities; and of suspension

«Air-Cleans» for removal of deposit (by method of system VECTOR).

Powders «Air-Cleans-PROPH»,

«Air-Cleans-PREP»and «Air-Cleans» suspension are produced as a separate product.  «Air-Cleans-PROPH» is used for:

removal of deposit and soft tooth sediments;

removal of coloring deposit and teeth whitening;

cleaning fissures before hermetization;

parodontic inflammation and caries prophylaxis.


«Air-Cleans-PREP» is used for:

removal of hard tooth deposit;

treatment of caries cavities;

preparation of teeth that staggering of surface caries for restoration.


«Air-Cleans» suspension is used for:

removal of deposit;

cleaning of surface of tooth roots;

polishing tooth.



«Air-Cleans-PROPH» is used according to sand-jet treatment method (Air-Flow). At action of water jet and pressed air powder

cleans effective hard tissues restoring natural colour and health shine. Powder based on sodium bicarbonate which size of particles

providing careful cleaning of tooth hard tissues. In case of cleaning jet on the gum of lydocaine hydrochloride (0,5%) that contains

the powder improves painlessness of soft tissues. The powder has pleasant fresh scent and flavour.  «Air-Cleans-PREP» contains

aluminum oxide, anticompressed component and has flavour addition with lemon scent. The grain (less than 50 mkm) and the

abrasive hardness provide effective treat of hard deposit and caries tooth tissues.  «Air-Cleans» suspension contains

hydroxyapatite (size of particle 5-7 mkm). By supply of suspension the procedure of cleaning of root in subgingival pocket is

passed effectively and painless.