
The nano-hybrid composite Charisma Diamond expands the boundaries of aesthetics, quality and performance. Thanks to the innovative formula it provides all the exceptional properties you expect from such an aesthetic state-of-the-art composite.


• The Charisma Diamond chemistry:

The unique TCD-matrix and the newly developed nano-hybrid filler system result in improved aesthetics, durability and

handling. This means minimum shrinkage and shrinkage stress, very smooth surface, high resilience and

surface hardness.


• The Charisma Diamond versatility:

Charisma Diamond adapts to the colour of the surrounding tooth structure for an outstandingly natural look. What’s

more, the Charisma Diamond layering technique is a distinct aesthetic advantage and ensures virtually undetectable

restorative margins. You easily achieve very good results with ONE Shade layering for simple cases and excellent results

using the multi-layer technique.


• The Charisma Diamond workability:

Charisma Diamond offers minimal stickiness and improved efficiency during sculpting. It also provides an extended

working time even if illuminated by operating light. Ultra-fine filler particles create a polish that is comparable to natural



• Benefit from superior colour adaptation properties:

- The use of nanoparticles allows perfect colour adaptation, ease of polish and an extremely high, long-lasting shine.

- Applying the Charisma Diamond layering technique provides perfect aesthetic advantages. With a selection of 21

shades in 3 opacities that mimic tooth anatomy you replicate nature with ease.

- With Charisma Diamond you achieve virtually undetectable restorative margins due to the ideal refractive index of

fillers and matrix.


• Benefit from the Charisma Diamond layering technique.

There are two aspects to the Charisma Diamond colour concept. One is the chameleon effect. It automatically adapts to

the colour of the surrounding tooth. The other is the layering technique which provides perfect aesthetic advantages.

With a selection of 21 shades you have a large scope of design to work with – and to satisfy your patients’ claims with.


Opaque dentine shades

For replicating the opacity of dentine or for covering discoloured teeth.

- OL (Opaque Light)

- OM (Opaque Medium)

- OD (Opaque Dark)


• Universal shades

Universal shades for natural beauty results possess colour intensities of medium translucency and are available in

11 shades. They can be used with or without additional layering of opaque dentine and/or incisal shades.


• Incisal shades

As the perfect finish for your restorations, these four shades provide the highest translucency and the lowest colour

intensity. CL (Clear) and AM (Amber) are layered over universal shades to create a more natural, lifelike appearance. The

intrinsic opalescence of CO (Clear Opal) and YO (Yellow Opal) enable you to obtain the highest possible aesthetic result.

The handling is as easy as the well-established handling of Charisma Diamond that has been acknowledged by

practitioners worldwide for over 10 years. The Charisma Diamond highlights for easy handling:

- Non-slump consistency and minimal stickiness for easy sculpting

- Extended working time

- Excellent polish thanks to ultrafine nanofiller particles

- Approved to combine with GLUMA Bond Universal – the reliable and highly effective universal bonding solution from


Additional information


A1, A2, A3, BL, BXL

Packaging Type

Syringe Refill


Packaging Options:

- Charisma Diamond Intro Kit

• 3 x 4g Syringe (A2, A3, OM)

• Shade Guide, Accessories


- Charisma Diamond Basic Kit

• 6 x 4g Syringe (2 x A2, A3, A3.5, OM, OD)

•  Accessories


- Charisma Diamond Master Kit

• 10 x 4g Syringe (A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B2, C2, OM, OD, CL, BL)

• 1 x 4ml GLUMA 2Bond

•  2 x 2.5ml GLUMA Etch 35 Gel

• Shade Guide, Accessories


- Charisma Diamond Shade Guide 


- Charisma Diamond Syringe Refill

• 1 x 4g Syringe Universal Shades (A1 / A2 /A3 / A3.5 / A4 / B1 / B2 / B3 / C2 / C3 / D3)


- Charisma Diamond Syringe Refill

• 1 x 4g Syringe Opaque Dentine  Shades (OL (Opaque Light) / OM (Opaque Medium / OD (Opaque Dark))


- Charisma Diamond Syringe Refill

• 1 x 4g Syringe Incisal Shades (CL (Clear Light) / AM (Amber) / CO (Clear Opal) / YO (Yellow Opal))


- Charisma Diamond Syringe Refill

• 1 x 4g Syringe Bleach Shades (BL (Bleach Light) / BXL (Bleach Light Extra) / OB (Opaque Bleach))



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