

D-Sens G+ is an advanced desensitizing agent designed for the effective treatment of hypersensitive dentin. Its mechanism of action involves the precipitation of plasma proteins, resulting in a reduction of dentinal permeability and the occlusion of peripheral dentinal tubes. This process actively inhibits the flow of fluid through the tubules, ultimately diminishing sensitivity in the treated area.  


Indications :  

-To reduce or even eliminate pain in exposed cervical areas not requiring restoration.

-To alleviate or prevent dentinal sensitivity after preparation of teeth to receive fixed  

-prosthesis or restorations.


Properties & Advantages :  

-Easy and Time saving: One-step placement, no agitation or light curing required.  

-Compatibility with all bonding and restorative materials.  

-Controlled and accurate placement.  

-Inhibits microbial growth by sealing dentinal tubules.  

-Can be used after tooth preparation in order to reduce or relieve hypersensitivity of the  

-dentine before using the denture or definitive restoration.