

This pneumatic spray mill is a device used to remove foreign substances adhering to the tooth surface by spraying small particles with air pressure, or to polish the tooth surface and clean the bracket.

size 190x50x60mm
weight approx. 0.15kg
Use temperature +10℃ to +40℃
Water supply 40~60ml/min


Information & use 

- Dark stain removal

- easy resin adhesion

-  Whitening effect, improving patient satisfaction

- Polishing and bracket cleaning



- It is manufactured in Korea and is designed to fit the hands of Asians, so it can be used comfortably without putting a burden on the user's wrist.

- Urethane coating gently improves grip.

- The unique nozzle structure enables continuous and powerful injection, shortening the consultation time with excellent polishing and grinding effects.

- Specially designed needles are provided to prevent clogging.

- Two basic handpieces are built-in to enhance user convenience.

- It is convenient to be able to connect to various brands of couplings with one touch.



Additional information


Available option:

Package contains: 

- 1 device

- Powder 130g

- Additional head

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