

Fibre glass reinforcement for orthodontic retainers GC everStickORTHO is suitable for aesthetic retention after an active orthodontic treatment.

The matrix keeps the individual glass fibres together, allowing a simple handling and adaptation to the arch.

Features of the Fibreglass:

- Adapts to the natural colour of the tooth.

- Easy to adapt directly to teeth without the need for study models or second visits.

- Reliable adhesive bond to the composite.

- Comfortable to wear and easy to clean.

- It contains no metals, which removes the risk of allergy to them (Ni, Cr).


-The use of rubber dam is recommended with everStick.

-everStick"ORTHO should be used clinically with care and the patient should be warned not to abrade the outer surface of the retainer in order to avoid exposure of the fibres which may cause irritation.

- Removal of the retainer can be done by grinding or by peeling the unit from the tooth surface.

-When applying a retainer on a palatal or buccal surface, the occlusion must be checked to ensure that the fibre bundle is not placed in occlusion.

-Adapt and bond the retainer units to the teeth for their full length,including interproximal spaces.

- Spot bonding (placement of composite in discrete spots) does not produce a reliable bond.

-Place the fibre retainer as close to the incisal edge as possible in order to have optimal retention.

- Good interproximal access for cleaning can be created by not filling the whole interproximal area with composite material. The use of interproximal wedges will facilitate this.

-The use of powder free gloves is recommended with everStick fibres.

- Store the package in the refrigerator (2-8°C, 35-46 °F) when not in use.

EVERSTICK - Interdent trgovina