

Fiber posts for aesthetic restoration and stump reconstruction on non-vital teeth treated endodontically.

• Radiopacity 2 times higher than dentin
• Natural colour guaranteeing an aesthetic restoration
• Comprised of specially treated glass fibers and firmly bonded to a urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA) resin, which form a completely biocompatible compound together (without metal, epoxy or BisGMA) with an elastic modulus close to that of dentin

Directions for use

This instruction manual refers to the use of SEALACORE DC (PD; Switzerland) products. Note: for the use of another bonding and/or core build up system read the instructions of the manufacturer.

Endodontically prepare the canal in the usual manner, clean and dry. Obturate the apical portion.

1 Choose the post size and measure the length of the canal.

2-3 Drill the canal with the corresponding Drill-A-Post (800-1’200RPM), placing its depth stopper at the required length.

4 Check the size of the post and its position in the canal.

5 Excess in length may be adjusted with a diamond disc. Carry it out outside of the mouth, under aspiration. Clean the post with alcohol.

6 SEALACORE DC Nano-reinforced Self-Etch Bond. Mix 1 drop of Liquid A and 1 drop of Liquid B on a mixing pad with the application brush for approximately 2 seconds. Avoid exposure to intensive light. Apply a layer with the application brush to the enamel/dentine and rub into the tooth surface for 20 seconds.

7 Dry the adhesive layer for at least 5 seconds with an air syringe.

8 Do not light cure at this step of the procedure.

9 Apply SEALACORE DC Composite directly into the root canal using thin intraoral tips. Note: Do not light cure at that stage !

10 Insert the FIBRAPOST making sure to leave a slight coronal excess for further anchorage of the core.

11 Light-cure for at least 40 seconds.

12 Core build up. Place a matrix around the prepared tooth and apply SEALACORE DC Composite directly from the cartridge/double-barrel syringe. Place the tip of the polymerization lamp as close as possible to the surface of the composite and polymerize with halogen light for 40 seconds. In case of a larger core build-up, generally apply in layers of 2mm and cure each layer for 10 seconds. Final Polymerisation: Light cure 40 seconds or wait 5min. After curing, the composite can be worked immediately.


FIBRAPOST PLUS are made from specially treated Glass Fibres (approx. 65%) reinforced with, and firmly bound to, an UDMA (Urethane Dimethacrylate) resin (approx. 20%) known for its resistance, safety and capacity to bind to Composite resins used for post cementation.

Features and benefits

- Optimal elastic modulus (~35GPa) close to the one of the dentine

- High resistance (~1’300MPa) thanks to interlaminar fibres cohesion

- Natural shade for aesthetic reconstruction

- Convenient Radioopacity (~200% Al (Ø2.5mm))

- High adhesion capacity between post and cement

- Biocompatibility


Aesthetic post-retained restorations and core building-up of endodontically treated non-vital teeth.

Sizing and shape

4 sizes according to canal size allowing the preservation of maximum healthy dentine. Cylindro-conical shape.


Do not use Fibrapost:

- In case of allergy to methacrylates

- If the root is not well anchored in bone

- In the mesial root of a mandibular molar

- In the buccal root of a maxillary molar

- In case of insufficient tooth structure

- In teeth with ferrule less than 2 mm

- Fibrapost must not be sterilized before use


Disinfect with alcohol before using. Single use.

Storage Conditions

5°C – 30°C. Protected from humidity.

Product presentation in blister

Do not add any liquid or other material into the blister