

Operation Sequence
To be applied in pulp canal protective.
To establish the access to root canal's entrance.
To enlarge the opening of teeth root canal's crown part.
To prepare the upper 2/3 part of molar root canal crown.
Only skilled dentists are allowed to use.
Be sure to sterilize this product for each use.
Do not use this product except for the dental service and treatment.
Use it in accordance with the intended use.
Precautions for Use
To prevent infection, sterilize the product by autoclave and make sure sterilization is completed before using.
Choose the most appropriate type for each case and follow the general method.
Before using, make sure the instruments outside of dental cavity that there are no deformations, scratches and cracks.
If the head of product is thin, long or large, there are possibilities for breaking or twisting.
Because of this, be sure to avoid using unreasonable angle and excessive pressure.
Wear rubber dam etc. to avoid accidental ingestion and falling.
After using, follow an appropriate treatment as medical waste.
Dispose the product if damaged or contaminated.
After using , wash it with medical cleaning agent and brush , then wash away foreign substances like adherent body fluids and body tissues.
Set the handle plugger to a stand when cleaned by ultrasonic cleaner to avoid working part deterioration.
Use handle plugger with great care to avoid puncturing fingers because of its possession of sharp-edged part.
Maintenance and Inspections
Sterilize this product by autoclave under established method andterm for each use.
Method of sterilization:
Put this product in a sterilization pack or (or foil) and place it on a sterilization tray, or files stand for autoclave sterilization with reference to the following terms.
Terms for sterilization:
Term(1) temperature: 121 degrees Celsius 
Time: 20 minutes or more
Term(2) temperature: 126 degrees Celsius 
Time: 15 minutes or more
Do not use high pressure steam sterilizer which heats more than 135 degrees Celsius including drying process.