
1. Lifting the sinus membrane with hydroulic pressure thru crestal approach
2. Use the proper size Aqua tip for the osteotomy site and push the syringe with MCTBIO Patented aqua syringe holder by turning the black knob
This will allow the continuous and steady pressure to safely lift the membrane without tearing up
Aqua Tip
1. The sinus membrane can easily be lifted by hydrostatic pressure
2. Aqua tip sizes (2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0)
3. Compatible with most sinus elevation drills
4. Infection free membrane elevation due to use of a disposable syringe
5. Because creastal approach is possible (minimum 3mm of residual bone).
time and cost is reduced
6. Bone can be easily be inserted


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