

√ One material - many advantages

√ Etching, priming, bonding, desensitising and cementing in one step

√ Dependable adhesive strength for durable Restoration

√ Reduction of post-operative

√ hypersensitivities

√ Flexible working time

√ Wide range of indications

*With iCEM Self Adhesive you cement metal and Metal ceramic crowns and bridges
-All-ceramic crowns and bridges produced Using Cerec® systems
-Crowns and bridges using reinforced Ceramics (e.g. zirconia)
-Metal, ceramic and composite inlays and Onlays
-Metal, titanium and glass fiber posts
-Nylon materials for splinting loose teeth
iCEM Self Adhesive is a dual-curing resin luting cement that stands for:
etching, priming, bonding, desensitising and
cementation in just a single working step.
iCEM Self Adhesive is very convenient: it is applied directly into the indirect restoration or cavity using an Automix syringe. Additional mixing or application devices are not required. Excess can be easily removed even after a short polymerisation time. Its
excellent stability means that it can be stored at room temperature. The cement has a desensitising effect that considerably reduces the risk of
postoperative sensitivity. The main causes of postoperative sensitivity are automatically excluded:exposed dentinal tubuli, overdried dentine and over etching of the dentine.
No material-induced postoperative sensitivity was experienced by any of the patients treated in handson tests with iCEM Self Adhesive.
  iCEM Sef Adhesive


Unicem, Aplicap/ Maxicap

Panavia F 2.0
Preparing the cement  
Open capsule with activator   x  
Load/mix capsule in mixer   x  
Place capsule in dispenser   x  
Attach mixing tip x    
Mix paste manually on mixing pad     x
Conditioning the prepared tooth  
Rinse prepared tooth and dry x x x
Mix primer     x
Prime     x
Waiting 60 s     x
Dry     x
Preparing the restoration  
According to manufacturer's instructions x x x
Apply cement x x x
Seat restoration x x x
Remove excess x x x
Light cure or allow to self cure x x x
Number of stps required 7 9



iCEM Self Adhesive is an all-in-one resin luting cement that combines reliable bond strength and quick, easy, convenient application with a reduced risk of postoperative sensitivity. This means that indirect restorations can now be etched, primed,bonded, desensitised and cemented in just one step.

Numerous scientific studies have proven that the formula of iCEM Self Adhesive combines the easy handling of classical cements with the high-quality mechanical and aesthetic properties of resin luting cements iCEM Self Adhesive is an all-in-one resin luting cement that combines reliable bond strength and quick, easy, convenient application with a reduced risk of postoperative sensitivity. This means that indirect restorations can now be etched, primed,bonded, desensitised and cemented in just one step.

Numerous scientific studies have proven that the formula of iCEM Self Adhesive combines the easy handling of classical cements with the high-quality mechanical and aesthetic properties of resin luting cements.



Step-by-step application

High bond strength in just one stepReliable bond strength