
Description :

- Known and liked for years OliPost Light have undergone an absolute evolution! They have been enriched with nano-zirconium particles, thanks to which they have excellent mechanical properties. In addition, they were made in the “Zircon-CLEAR” technology, which means that the content of nano zirconium particles does not affect the transparency of the posts, keeping them completely translucent.

- thanks to the “Zircon-CLEAR” technology, as well as the use of a special epoxy resin that does not change the color of the post, OliPost Light is completely translucent. This ensures unmatched aesthetics of restoration.

- the transparency of the posts ensures the possibility of using dually curing cements in the canal . The light of the polymerization lamp is evenly distributed over the entire length of the cannal, which ensures a fast cement curing reaction and significantly accelerates the entire procedure. It takes just a few seconds to the next stage of the core build-up procedure.

- Excellent aesthetic properties, thanks to natural translucency. Optimal elasticity modulus and flexural strength of the posts, lets the tooth retain its key mechanical properties and prevent internal tension and root fracture.


Advantages :

- ideal mechanical properties for physiological behaviour

- conical shape for optimal distribution of forces

- x-ray visibiility for visual inspection

- presilanized for chemical adhesion of composites