
Description :

- Advanced Tooth Whitening System

Minimal chair time is required. The total treatment will take less than 30 minutes. Less chair time means increased patient comfort, satisfaction, improved productivity and profitability. The unique 37.5% hydrogen peroxide formula ensures fast release of the peroxide ions to begin the bleaching process.


“89% of evaluators would recommend Pola Office+ to a colleague†”

“83% of evaluators would purchase Pola Office+†”


- Simple delivery

No mixing is required. The dual barrel syringe system mixes as you apply the gel directly to the tooth. This ensures a consistent blend of freshly activated gel. The freshly activated gel maximizes the whitening effect. The fine applicator tip allows easy application, especially in tight spots.


- Just one thin layer

A thin layer of gel is all that is required. Use the tip to spread the gel ensuring all tooth surfaces are covered. The sticky gel formula adheres firmly to tooth surfaces maximising the bleaching effect.


Step By Step :

1. Record pre-operative shade. 

2. Clean teeth with flour based pumice.

3. Place cheek retractor and cover exposed lip with petroleum gel.

4. Dry teeth and apply gingival barrier; light cure in fanning motion.

5. Firmly attach a mixing tip to Pola Office+ syringe away from patient; dispense small amount of gel onto mixing pad to ensure adequate mixing.

6. Directly apply a thin layer of gel to all teeth undergoing treatment.

7. Leave gel on teeth surfaces for 8 minutes Optional curing light can be used according to manufacturer’s instructions

8. Suction off using a surgical aspirator tip. 

9. Complete steps 6-8 three times (optional 4 times).

10. After the last application, suction all gel off, then wash with water and apply suction.

11. Remove gingival barrier.