

  • PROPHY P has a pleasant taste. It does not contain saccharin in its composition.
  • It has sufficient density in different colors and flavors. It does not flow during application.
  • PROPHY P is used for detertrage treatment, polishing and cleaning of teeth.
  • During operations, it does not cause scratching and abrasion of the enamel.
  • With the help of aromas in the composition of PROPHY P, it helps the patient to tolerate the procedure easily.
  • Provides removal of fine tartar after periodontal cleaning.
  • It cleans the discoloration caused by food, drink and cigarette.
  • It helps to lighten teeth color.
  • It is indicated for tooth cleaning before composite filling.
  • It never closes the dental tubules and does not block the connection.
  • It prevents detertrajabrasion as much as possible.