
- Protesil putty

PROTESIL PUTTY. Condensation silicone of high consistency and viscosity for first impressions in the double impression technique.

Protesil Putty is characteristically soft during the working phase, but exhibits an elevated hardness after vulcanisation. Protesil

Putty can be used for all types of impressions, namely, in those used to create dentures, removable dental prostheses and

appliances, braces, temporary dental structures, studio models, etc.

The product is manufactured in compliance with ISO 4823.


Technical Characteristics:

• Mixing time : 30 seconds

• Total working time: 1 minute 30 seconds

• Intra oral setting time: 3 min

• Compression distortion: 3% - 5%

• Elastic recovery : >99.5%

• Dimensional stability, 24 hours: <-0.20%

• Hardness Shore – A : 50

• Yellow in colour, peach scent


- Protesil light

Silicone for condensation curing, extremely fluid and hydro-compatible, especially designed for highest precision impressions, in

the double impression technique. Protesil Light can be used for all types of impressions, namely, in those used to create dentures,

removable dental prostheses and appliances, braces, temporary dental structures, studio models, etc.

The product is manufactured in compliance with ISO 4823.


Technical Characteristics:

Mixing time : 30 seconds

Intra oral setting time: 4 minutes

Setting time: 3 to 4 min

Details reproduction (mm): 2 micron

Compression distortion: 3% - 5%

Elastic recovery : >99.5%

Dimensional stability, 24 hours: <-0.20%

Hardness Shore – A : 24/30

Type 3 – low consistency

Colour: Green


- Protesil catalyst gel

Catalyst Gel for Protesil Labor, Protesil Putty / Protesil light - Easy mixing and dosage - Red colour


- Mixing Pad

Graduated mixing pad for precise dosage


- Universal Adhesive:

Adhesive to increase the adherence between the silicone and the impression tray