
Description :

RC Seal is a epoxy root canal sealant material offered in powder and liquid form. Epoxy root canal sealant have been used in dentistry since many years now, with outstanding performance. Epoxy root canal sealant is virtually free of formaldehyde and none of the components are containing “free formaldehyde”. RC Seal also does not contain any eugenol or clove oil hence 
would not interfere in setting of composite materials.

Epoxy root canal sealant also offers distinct advantages like insoluble in water, non degradable and also has excellent record of tissue compatibility. Epoxy root canal sealant have minimum shrinkage at room temperature, which is one of the most desired feature of the sealant.



For obturation of secondary dentition with or without gutta purcha or silver points Contra Indications: Avoid using on patient having allergy to epoxy resin No systemic side effects are known



As general guideline overextension in periapical region should be avoided. Epoxy root canal sealant reacts with hydrogen peroxide hence no hydrogen should be left in canal before RC Seal is filled.

If hydrogen peroxide is used for irrigation, manufacturer recommends that irrigation is to be followed with Sodium Hypochlorite (available in mint aroma) before RC Seal is used.



Optimum mix consistency is when mixed mass pulls to about ¾ inch with spatula


- Carry the material in canal with the help of instrument like lentulo spiral filler (paste carrier) or bi-directional filler, consistency can be modified as per users consistency. Cement would not drip at recommended ration from the instrument, yet it has enough flow to coat root canal walls.

Rotate the instrument at a low speed preferably a 800 to 1000 RPM. Withdraw the instrument at a low RPM only, seal the master gutta purcha cone and continue with condensation.

All known condensation methods are suitable with RC Seal.



Store away from sunlight in cool and dry place.

Additional information


Available option :

Kit : 10g Powder & 10ml Liquid  

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