

  1. Shaping Files (V0, V1, V2): Using V0 to make the formation of crown and short root canal, preparation the upper 1/3 root canal with V1, V2 for middle 1/3 root canal preparation.

  2. Finishing Files (T1, T2, T3): All used for the formation of 1/3 root canal tip.

Operation Sequence:

  1. Establishing linear channel, cleaning the canal with sodium hypochlorite.

  2. Detect the root canal Using #10, #15 SSK file.

  3. Makes the formation of crown with V0 and create the canal path (cleaning with Sodium Hypochlorite).

  4. Preparation the upper 1/3 crown with V1, flush canal with sodium hypochlorite solution (STDN) after getting it out.

  5. Using the same rotary method to the working length with V2, and flush canal with sodium hypochlorite solution (STDN).

  6. Using T1 to the working length, which could make a smooth connect between the 1/3 canal tip and middle 1/3 canal.

  7. T2 to the working length and using #25 K files to measure the diameter of apical foramina, which indicating finished the preparation and it could be filled if it is loose.

  8. Using the T3 to the working length if you didn't feel loose when using the #25 K files.

Additional information

File Length

31mm, 25mm


F1, F2, F3, SX, S1, S2, Assorted (Sx-F3)


Available option:

Package: 6 pcs per box/blister  Assorted/single size

Length : 25mm, 31mm

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