

ZirClean is a cleaning gel designed for the non-abrasive cleaning of the bonding surfaces of zirconia (and other prosthetic restorations) after intraoral try-in. ZirClean helps to achieve reliable adhesive cementation results by removing the phosphate contamination of zirconia (as well as ceramic and metal restoration surfaces) that occur during try-in.*

Unique Benefits:

  • Delivery system offers improved ease-of-use
  • Easy placement and clean up
  • Helps achieve reliable adhesive cementation results*
  • Contaminants such as saliva can be removed to help achieve better bond strength  after try-in*

Clinical Significance:

  • The use of ZirClean will help to achieve reliable cementation results with Zirconia restorations after intraoral try-in.*

Features & Benefits

Removes Contaminants

Removes Contaminants

Contaminants such as saliva can be removed to help achieve better bond strength after try-in.

Unparalleled Strength

Unparalleled Strength

Helps achieve reliable adhesive cementation results

Strong Bond to Zirconia

Strong Bond to Zirconia

Helps to achieve reliable cementation results with zirconia restorations after intraoral try-in.

Syringe Delivery

Syringe Delivery

Syringe delivery system offers improved ease of use.

Easy Syringe Application

Easy Syringe Application

Syringe delivery system offers easy placement of the material.

Washes Off Easily

Washes Off Easily

Easy clean-up of the material.