

Indications :

- Antiseptic treatment of root canals and cavities. 

- Composition 

- Antiseptic solution 

- Chlorhexidine 

- Eugenol 

- Distilled water 

Properties :

- Consisting of a strong-acting bactericidal and corticosteroid substances, solution has a set of properties that are useful for antiseptic treatment of root canals and carious cavities.

- Causing practically no irritation the drug gets you get closer to the pulp or the apex without the risk of negative reaction. The liquid easily penetrates curved and narrowed additional canals and disinfects them. Due to the balanced composition of the material inflammation processes becomes weaker. 

- Unlike most antiseptics used for root canals, it is possible to combine the liquid with antibiotics, that allows to carry out simultaneous treatment by antiseptics and antibiotics. 

Recommended use :

- Treatment in one visit. Remove all the root pulp. Widen the root canal with the endodontic instruments. Wash the root canal with antiseptic solution or distilled water and then thoroughly dry. Introduce to the root canal one drop of liquid for 1-2 min. Then remove remaining fluid with cotton turunda and fill the root canal. 

- Delayed treatment. After removal of the infected pulp widen the root canal chemically and with endodontic instrument. Then thoroughly dry the canal, put into it the cotton turunda soaked in liquid, and leave for 1-3 days, hermetically close the cavity with temporary dressing. During the next visit it is possible to make permanent root canal filling. 

storage :

- Store in a dry and dark place. 

- Shelf life - 3 years

Additional information

Packaging Type

Liquid packed in glass bottles of 300 ml.


Available Options :

- Liquid packed in glass bottles of 300 ml.

- 1 x 13ml liquid bottle.

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