
Description :

D-Light Pro is a high-performance dual-wavelength curing light developed to broaden your options: efficient light-curing of course, but much more besides.

It offers two curing programs with dual wavelength: High Power (1400mW/cm2) for all routine cases, and Low Power (700mW/cm2) when it is preferable to limit heat generation - for instance in deep cavities when the preparation comes close to the pulp. Thanks to the blue & violet LEDs used in these two curing modes, D-Light Pro can efficiently polymerise all light-cured dental materials.

Besides, D-Light Pro also offers a unique Detection Mode based on near-UV light only. This violet light will enable you to spot what is not always visible to the naked eye: from infected dentin to plaque, micro-leakage, fluorescent restorations or excess cement, cracks...

D-Light Pro also features a very light & thin handpiece, which can be manipulated just like a hand instrument and offers maximum comfort for both patient and clinician.

Last but not least, the handpiece can be fully autoclaved (once electronic components & battery have been removed) – ensuring optimal hygiene and eliminating risks of cross-contamination.


Indication :

- Polymerisation of visible light-cured materials curing with a wavelength range of 400 to 480nm .
- The Detection mode (DT) assists the visualisation of bacteria in plaque, fissures, infected dentin and the presence of micro-leakage. It also helps to identify fluorescent restorative materials, and to evaluate the depth of cracks in the tooth structure .


Advantages :

- Two curing programs: High Power for maximum efficiency and Low Power to limit heat generation in sensitive cases
- A unique Detection mode to see the invisible (bacterial activity, fluorescent restorations, cracks...)
- A fully autoclavable handpiece for maximum hygiene
- A very light & thin design offering an excellent intraoral access and increased comfort for patient & clinician
- Two batteries to never run out of power



Additional information


Available option :

1 Main unit

Package including :

D-Light Pro handpiece (sleeve & electronic module) , light-guide 8 mm , battery packs (x 2) , charging station , power supply , EU/UK adapters , hard eye-protection shield , soft eye-protection shields (x 3) .

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