

Oil for making pastes

EUGENOL is used as a oil for making:

  • pastes for root canal filling
  • materials for temporary filling of cavities


  • eugenol oil 100%

Properties of EUGENOL

Eugenol is natural preparation mainly used with zinc oxide. Such combination allows: obtain a tight filling of temporary cavity, in addition, zinc oxide-eugenol cement as a temporary filling has drying effect and stimulates the production of secondary dentine.

Pastes with eugenol shouldn’t be used under composites since they may disturb polymerization process.


Handling the product EUGENOL + Zinc Oxide

eugenol aplikacja

PIC. 1.

eugenol zęby

PIC. 2.


PIC. 3.

eugenol użycie

PIC. 4.

eugenol wypełnienie

PIC. 5

An appropriate amount of the Zinc Oxide powder mix with Eugenol on frosted side of the glass plate by means of metal spatula. Density and hardness depend on the amount of powder and liquid used for the mixture, and should be adapted to the intended use:

• Mixture for temporary cavity filling cannot stick to the glass container nor to the spatula.
• Mixture for the root canal filling has to be creamy consistency.

As temporary filler of cavity:
1. prepare the cavity (picture 1)
2. on the bottom of cavity apply paste of runny consistency (picture 2)
3. fill up whole cavity with temporary paste of harder consistency (picture 3)
4. Leave the filling in the cavity for a period of 1 week up to 30 days, after this period exchange temporary filling

For temporary root canal filling:
1. Prepare the canal mechanically using materials for chemo-mechanical preparation (Endo-Solution, Endo-Prep Cream), rinse copiously (Chloraxid) and dry the canal (for example Canal Clean) (picture 4)
2. Fill up the canal with creamy paste by means of Lentulo, remove excess of paste, close the cavity tightly.
3. Leave the filling in the cavity for a period of 1 week up to 30 days, after this period exchange temporary


Additional information




10 ml


Available Options :

- Bottle with dropper of 10 ml

- Bottle with dropper of 20 ml

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