
Description :

One-component light-cured fluor-varnish and sealant of dentin tubules

Light-cured bi-fluoride varnish for the treatment of tooth tissue hyperesthesia, caries prevention and sealing of dentinal tubules.tubules.


Indecation for use :

- Prevention of caries.

- Tooth fluoridation.

- Decrease of sensitivity in areas adjacent to the root canals.

- Protection from carious in the cervical areas.

- Local fluoridation after routine therapeutic procedures and polishing.

- Local suppression of bacterial activity.

- Post-operative treatment of the etched enamel.

- Insulation of the tooth surface of the teeth after mechanical treatment.

- Insulation of cavities which creates a protective barrier.

- Sealing of dentinal tubules.


Benefits :

- Includes active micro-suspension of calcium fluoride and bioactive glass containing calcium fluoride phosphate.

- Optimum flowability allows to form a fairly thin layer which is very convenient especially for protecting areas close to the root canals.

- F&A Biflu LC also contains timol which has a strong antibacterial activity.

- Components of the varnish are suppliers of ions of fluoride, calcium and phosphorus saturating tooth tissues and having a strong therapeutic prophylactic effect.

- Light-cured varnish.

- F&A Biflu LC is transparent and does not cause discoloration of the teeth.


Methods of using :

 - Surfaces to be treated with F&A Biflu LC must be thoroughly cleaned and air-dried

- Put a drop or two of the varnish on the mixing pad.

- Apply a thin layer of the varnish on the surfaces to be treated with the help of applicator. Avoid making a too thick layer.

- Let the varnish soak into the tooth tissue for a few seconds and then dry the treated surface with air.

- Light-Cure the applied layer with a Light Unit (usually 10 seconds is enough).

- Remove the layer inhibited by oxygen with a cotton roller.

- In case of proper application and proper oral care the material stays on the surface of the teeth for several weeks.

- To put the varnish onto the bottom of the cavity place a drop of F&A Biflu LC on the application brush and apply a layer of it on the walls of the cavity to be prepared.

- Let the varnish soak into the tooth tissue for a few seconds and then dry the treated surface with air.

- Finally F&A Biflu LC forms a film insoluble in water environment.

- The application of F&A Biflu LC is followed by a standard therapeutic procedure.


Additional information


Available option :

3g Syringe 

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