
Description :

More benefits, less sensitivity
One of the most unwanted effects on the daily well-being of its patients is hypersensitivity. Sweet or sour foods, hot or cold – acute pain is unpleasant and quite limiting.
For more than 20 years, one drop of GLUMA Desensitizer has been enough to reduce and prevent dentin hypersensitivity. The results appear quickly and effectively, without the need for mixing, cementing or various applications. His patients feel immediate relief.


Benefits :
GLUMA Desensitizer can be used in all restorations – direct and indirect – to ensure your patients the comfort they deserve.
- One-step application: No stirring or photopolymerization is required, which facilitates use and promotes time savings;
- Universally compatible: GLUMA Desensitizer can be used with adhesive and restorative materials, in any situation;
- Universally compatible: One drop, several applications.
Good to know : 


Indications :
- To reduce or even eliminate pain in exposed cervical areas that do not require restoration.

- To relieve or prevent dentin sensitivity after tooth preparation to receive direct or indirect restorations. 

Drop ControlDrop control 

- Cleaner : No leakage or dirt from the feeder

- More accurate : Depending on the pressure applied, you can produce a smaller or larger drop – always with a clean cut!

- More economical  : The amount of individual drops goes up to 220 per bottle.


Application :
Application step-by-step 
Application guide GLUMA Desensitizer


Scientific studies :

Schematic representation of the effect Mechanism of action

GLUMA Desensitizer acts by precipitating plasma proteins, which reduces dentin permeability and occludes peripheral dentinal tubules.

- This inhibits the movement of fluids through the tubules, which is the cause of sensitivity.

- In addition, GLUMA Desensitizer promotes a sealing that acts as a microbial barrier.


Additional information




Available option :

1 x 5 ml Bottle

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