
Description :

- Universal composite material for high-aesthetic restorations.

- MerFill Micro is a universal microhybrid composite with a unique bimodal filler (average particle size is 0.4 - 0.7 μm for the main filler and 0.02 - 0.04 μm for the nanofiller, the fullness by weight is 79%). The material combines excellent aesthetics and polishability of nanocomposites, and outstanding physical characteristics of the microhybrid composite.


Indication for use : 

- Highly esthetic restorations of I, II, III, IV and V cavities.
- Onlay and Inlay.
- “Sandwich” technique.
- Tooth Splinting.
- Crown modeling.


Benefits :

- Material fullness is 79% by weight, with an average particle size of bimodal filler : main radiopaque phase – 0.4-0.7 microns ; nanophase – 20-40 nm (nanometers).
- Excellent polishability due to specified filler.
- Excellent manual qualities – the material is plastic and does not stick to the tool.
- High aesthetic and optical qualities – the material allows to make classical technique restorations as well as the restoration of layer-by-layer technique (the “stratification” method).
- Shades of the material have four degrees of opacity : 
transparent (most clear) , enamel , opaque (dentin shades) , superopaque (for cavities with high discoloration of dentin).
- High physical characteristics of the material, in particular:
bending strength – 115-125 MPa , compressive strength – 410 MPa .
- The fluorescence spectrum of the material is close to the fluorescence spectrum of the protein of natural teeth, which allows to make restoration of the highest level when all modern requirements of aesthetics are taken into account.
- The material has a pronounced «chameleon» effect which allows it to be masked in the cavity due to internal reflection and dispersion of light

Additional information




Available option :

4 g Syringe


Shades :

A1 / A1-O / A2 / A2-O / A3 / A3-O / A3.5 / A3.5-O / XBW (Extra Bleach White) / BW (Bleach White) / B1 / B2 / B3 / C2 / D2 / I /  IOP / SWOP (Super White Opaquer) / UO (Universal Opaquer).

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