

Composition :

- E.D.T.A. salt 

- Foaming agents 

- Lubricating components 

- Gelling agents 

Indications :

-to facilitate mechanical treatment of the root canals; 

-in preparation of inaccessible root canals for sealing 

- revealing the root canal orifices. 

Properties :

-For a more successful mechanical enlargement of root canals special gels are used. Their mechanism of action is in decalcification of the canal walls and the lubrication of endodontic instrument. The material is a neutral gel that helps the mechanical treatment of the root canal by endodontic instruments and makes their work more effective. Connecting with the mineral components of the tooth, a gel forms complex chelated compounds providing little resistance to mechanical stress. The combined use of a gel with sodium hypochlorite solution provides the best cleaning effect. E.D.T.A. dissolves inorganic residues in the root canal, while NaOCl – organic ones. The formation of foam helps more easy cleaning of the dentin chips from the root canal. The material is non-toxic, harmless to periapical tissues, easy to use, allows for removal of residual devitalised pulp and dentin, providing that the mechanical root canal enlargement using endodontic instruments performed easily even in the narrowest canals.


Recommended use :

-Isolate the treated tooth. Put on the needle on the syringe, introduce a gel by squeezing into the root canal and leave for 1 minute. Start mechanical treatment of the root canal with chosen endodontic files in conventional manner. A gel should be used in the early stages and in the late stages of endodontic treatment in order to avoid possible canal wall perforation. In cases of wide and relatively straight canals, you can use the gel from the first numbers of files. In the case of the canal with a complex structure, proceed to the determination of the duration of work and the selection of the sample instrument. Prepared and marked instrument is to be bent, which facilitates passage. The instrument is then smeared with gel, inserted into the canal and used for mechanical treatment procedure. Alternately, it is necessary to irrigate the root canal with sodium hypochlorite solution and produce machining channel file blurred with gel. During irrigation with sodium hypochlorite will produce foam, helps to wash out the content from the root canal, making it easier to clean. After the end of the mechanical treatment the root canal should be thoroughly washed. A gel is well soluble in water, but it must be ensured that there is no remaining gel in the root canal. 

Never leave a gel in the root canal until the next visit of the patient! 

-In conclusion, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the root canal using the liquid for drying and degreasing the root canals, and then you can proceed to further manipulation.


storage :

-Keep in cool dry place. 

-Avoid the direct sunlight and high temperature. 

-Shelf life is 3 years.

Additional information

Packaging Type

1 x 5ml syringe.


1 x 5ml syringe.

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