
Description : 

- F&A Calcipaste is a water-based calcium hydroxide paste for pulp coating and temporary root canal filling.

- The high biological activity of F&A Calcipaste is caused by a special manufacturing technology, including submicron grinding of calcium hydroxide particles and special treatment which prevents their passivation.

- Due to the fine particle structure the material easily penetrates even into the thinnest lateral canals.

- The F&A Calcipaste kits include interchangeable delivery tips which ensure accurate application of the drug and help to avoid cross-contamination.


Indication for use :

- Indirect pulp coating in order to protect it.

- As a lining material to prevent the pulp from contacting the acidic environment of filling cements.

- Direct pulp coating in case of open pulp or pulpotomy.

- As a material for temporary (therapeutic) root canal filling.


Benefits :

- Contains active water-based calcium hydroxide.

- Designed to protect the pulp and for temporary root canal filling.

- Accurate and comfortable application of the material.

- PH> 12%.


Method of using :

- Thoroughly clean and dry the cavity.

- Remove the tip cap, place the delivery tip on the F&A Calcipaste syringe and apply the paste in several layers one after the other until the desired layer thickness is reached. Allow each layer to dry or dry it with compressed air.

- The paste should not be applied onto the edges of the cavity. In case if it has got there it should  be  carefully  removed. Then proceed with putting the lining and the subsequent restoration.

- During endodontic treatment first of all the dentist should prepare and clean the canal (using 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or sodium hypochlorite). Then put F&A Calcipaste  paste into the canal using Lentulo or NaviTips (Ultradent). After that fill the tooth.

- It is recommended to check the canal filling with x-ray.

- Close the syringe with the cap immediately after use.


Recommendation  & Precautions  :

- Post-surgery sensitivity: if the paste was applied beyond the root apex this can cause discomfort (sensitivity on occlusion  or swelling). However, as a rule, these symptoms disappear within 24 hours.

- Do not use hardened  pasta.

- Do not use expired material.

Additional information


Available option :  

 2ml Syringe 

with Interchangable delivery tips


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